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Sacred Tree & Men Live with Earth

關鍵詞 土石流/夯土/生漆/暫時性/流動/凝聚



In Shenmu Village of Nantou, earthslides occur every year during rainy season. The flows crashed the roads and deposited on the riverbed. The flows also led to the flows of people and religious events. This flowing statement was caused by the unstability of the environment. The villagers of Shenmu created a circulating nomadic life style based on agriculture, religious event and earthslides. While more and more villagers moving to the cities, the nomadic movement of men and religious event faded.





After tests of a new material mixing earth and raw lacquer, I proved the new material to be much stronger and resist water better than traditional rammed earth. The earth brought by earthslides mixed raw lacquer from protogenetic lacquer trees in nearby forests and abandoned lacquer orchard for temporary road paving and construction. Through gathering the earth, men and events gathered back to Shenmu.




Rammed earth, a traditional construction method, is to mix and stabilize flowing materials and make units which can form bigger gatherings. As time goes by, rammed earth will be weathered and become flowing again. From the life cycle of rammed earth, I found the similar statement changing of earth, people and religious event in Shenmu.



The comparison between temples of earth and the tree, temporariness and constancy, solidification and flowing, plan and section, void and solid, provides invariable clues on precarious landscapes.

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