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Design Advisor: Wu, Kwang-Ting

Research Advisor: Chein, Sheng-Fen

co-op the Future













        Normally, most housing is designed for the family.


        The Young who born in the 1990's is facing the market mechanism, the pressure of aged society, increasing trend of singletons and unrelated families. They really need is a place can both provide comfortable residence and help them find their feet: a co-op housing. The housing is for the mixed-income dweller who might work at home or in the vicinity, work in an irregular time or regular time. With the great variety of the dweller, the community is positioned of the mutual sharing community.


         Living aside the impact of the economy, people are increasingly able to accept the new generation of shared economic--second-hand goods, clothing, even markets regularly held all over Taiwan for people to sell. This trend has affected people for acceptance of second-hand (from receiving relatives' second-hand cloth to buy it from strangers)


        Under various aspect, Taipei is a pioneer, an indicator in Taiwan. Residential planning and adjustment made under the present circumstances may be able to be used as the reference in the future for other cities and counties.


        The last piece of the industrial zone of the central Taipei-- Tatong co, and University. Now, under the situation of most industry has left Taipei and with this perhaps in the future will face restructuring land, I offer a vision of the future co-op housing based on my generation. By the time deduction, planning for the future development of housing and promoting adaptation, put in new facilities / buildings in the right timing. Make the nearby more prosperous due to the opening, sharing community.




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